Hey guys,
FT 2 is just around the corner!! have you informed Isaac of your attendance yet? if not, please do so ASAP by sending an email to aisaac610@gmail.com telling him of your attendance as well as how many
Just a sneak peak at the programs in store for you for FT2 :)
Saturday morning will see FT members having fun doing ice breakers and energizers and getting to know fellow FT members from all around Malaysia :D
After that, experience Ipoh life with some Jalan-Jalan Cari Makan, where FT members can go around taking pictures, and find sumptuous meals, with a catch :D
At night, FT members will be treated to a Tayangan LaSalleCentre, followed by thought provoking questions and discussions.
The whole weekend promises to be exciting, illuminating, and FUN!