"Lasallian Youth Movement (LYM) dari S.M St. Martin telah mengadakan lawatan ke asrama Butitin, Nabawan. Lawatan ini bertujuan untuk mengeratkan silaturahim antara para Lasallian serta untuk mengetahui cara hidup orang di sana. Kami telah memungut derma dari murid-murid, para guru dan masyarakat sekeliling untuk dihulurkan kepada pihak asrama Butitin. Kami juga telah mengadakan aktiviti seperti membaca ‘Universal Prayer’ bersama-sama pihak asrama dan menyanyikan lagu ‘We Are Lasallian’ selepas aktiviti Ice-breaking.
LYM telah mengadakan upacara pembacaan doa mengikut ajaran agama masing-masing selaras dengan konsep 1 Malaysia semasa perhimpunan. Setiap doa diwakili oleh seorang pelajar. Semua pelajar berdoa dengan sepenuh hati selepas diterangkan tujuan doa tersebut oleh guru penasihat iaitu Mdm. Nancy A. Liging.
Sempena LDOPP juga, LYM telah mengadakan aktiviti menghias dan mengindahkan dewan agar dewan sekolah sekolah menjadi lebih menarik.
Aktiviti-aktiviti tersebut telah berjalan dengan lancar dengan kerjasama daripada semua pihak."
Kershan, Sean, Joshua and Awang from SPI writes:
“During the daily morning assembly a speech was given to introduce LDOPP to the school. Then, what St. Francis of Assisi said about peace was read. We also had interfaith prayers. We were glad to hear that the programme was very well received by all. Saying the Prayer for Peace from four different religions in English was good because everyone could understand them. It expresses the theme ‘One Malaysia’.

All Paulians were then invited to join the Paulian La Salle Confreres for the LDOPP activities at 12.50 p.m. in Upper Six 1. We had a talk about ‘War on Children’. The participants were actively participating through Q & A, finding out what could be done to help the children in need. This was then followed by a talk about the meaning of peace.

Then all participants and teachers present contributed to a “Peace Wall”, which was then displayed outside the staffroom.“

They even asked teachers for feedback! Here's what Pn Ng Siew Pin felt about LDOPP:
"We Paulians are glad to be able to participate in this La Sallian Day of Prayer for Peace (LDOPP). It is a good act to gather together regardless of creed, colour and religion to pray for a better society especially in terms of peace and harmony. Besides to increase our awareness for the small things we can do to bring forth peace, we also pray for peace to fill the hearts and minds of people who have been chosen to lead the entire nations. Although we may feel helpless as individuals, together we have the power to restore hope love and peace to the world."
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