“Oh no, climate change, rubbish piling up, polluted air, polluted water, chopped down trees, Mother Earth is dying. She is weeping out to you save her for her future citizens”
Save her and save yourself!
Take down these dates and do something for the earth and yourselves before it is too late!
26 March 2011 and 22 April 2011.
Important dates for Mother Earth.
Want to help her?
Here's your chance to do so!
26 March 2011 - Earth Hour, a global initiative whereby people around the world will turn off their lights for one hour at 8:30 pm in an effort to take a stand against climate change.
22 April 2011 – Earth Day, founded on the premise that all people, regardless of race, gender, income, or geography, have a moral right to a healthy, sustainable environment.
Come on Lasallians, let’s take an extra step, take the lead by not only turning of the lights for an hour and just preach awareness about Earth Day.
Let’s live it!
We are inviting you, Lasallians to reach out to your community and go the extra mile by coming up with creative ideas to save mother earth and have FUN in the process! Are you up for the challenge?
We are looking for volunteers from each school to come up and be coordinators for Earth Hour, and Earth Day. Within this one month stretch, we invite you to come up with creative and fun ideas on how you can help the environment, and execute it. It doesn’t have to be elaborate, it can be just a clean up of a park, or helping sort out items at a recycling centre. And don’t you worry; we will guide you along the way! =) It would be wonderful to have one coordinator for each school. If anyone is interested do send an email to Choulyin at choulyintan@gmail.com and we will guide you from there!!!!
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