Thursday, 28 January 2010

OT Signup for Regionals 2010

Dear Lasallians,

Greetings from La Salle Centre, Ipoh. We do hope that all of you are keeping well.

As preparations for the Regional Lasallian Conventions 2010 is in progress, this email is to inform you of the dates of the RLC and to invite you to sign up for the Convention as an OT(Organising Team) member.

Requirements to be an OT Member for the RLC 2010

  • Must be able to commit yourself to the pre-convention preparation and the convention itself.
  • Must be able to attend the full OT meeting as now there will only be one meeting(9 am – 5 pm).
  • Only FT members can apply.
  • Priority given to the FT members from the NLLC.

If you feel that you can fulfil these requirements then please send in your reply slip, latest by January 31, 2010. As places are limited selection to be an OT member will be on a first come first served basis.

Dates of the RLC are as follows :
Northern Region (26 - 28 March)
Southern Region (9 - 11 April)
Klang Valley (23 - 25 April)

Dates of OT Meetings are as follows :
Klang Valley (20 February)
Northern (21 February)
Southern (6 March)

Attached is a ‘Reply Slip’ that requires you to fill in the details and email it to me. For further clarification please contact me at 012 – 4856 471 / 016 – 5439 940 or email me @ aisaacstephen[at]gmail[dot]com

Thank you and we look forward to hearing from you.

Isaac Stephen
Programme Director
La Salle Centre, Ipoh


NLLC Year and No. :
RLC REGION : North/South/Klang Valley

Please email reply to aisaacstephen[at]gmail[dot]com

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