If you want to promote peace promote creation.
To value creation as a gift of God to humanity helps us to understand the vocation and the value of man.
I invite you to engage yourselves in the promotion of a creation which is a promotion of peace. To commit yourselves, as the Guarani Indians of Paraguay said, in search of a land without evils.
The earth is our common home, in it we are engaged as individuals, we are with others, we discover God. I think that today you as Lasallian Youth are very sensitive to this reality, so it is important to live a solidarity that will lead to sharing resources with those less fortunate and to take the means, however small and disproportionate that they may appear to seem, to leave to future generations a livable world.
Certainly the concern over climate change and its consequences must be part of youth concerns, as well as the interiorization of attitudes of respect, gratitude, love and concern for our mother earth. But I believe we must have a special concern for those who today enjoy less of creation and do not benefit from the extraordinary advances of current technology. For La Salle service of the poor always was primary.
This is a compassionate solidarity by which we allow ourselves to be affected by the sufferings of others, acting against avoidable suffering and assuming the task of finding ways of hope and transformation.
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