Re: 4 International Lasallian Days for Peace
Dear Brother Visitors and Auxiliary Visitors,
We are very pleased to write this letter as a kind reminder of the fourth annual International Lasallian Days for Peace (ILDP) initiative.
As has been the custom in the last few years, we are calling on Lasallian Institutions and Lasallian Groups to spread the word that starting on September 21, 2010 - the United Nations’ sanctioned International Day of Peace - and ending on October 21st , we Lasallians will be fostering peace in our world through prayer, study and action.
We are building on the very creative model adopted by the Malaysian Lasallian Youth Commission, and also on the many wonderful initiatives over the past three years. All Young Lasallians (YLs) in your respective Districts and Regions are being called to find ways to participate in this powerful Lasallian peace movement.
Each Region/District/Local Educational Center will provide its own personal touch to the four weeks of the program. Some will have programs that span the entire month; others will select certain days to plan their activities. No matter what your local response may be, we are asking that where possible you organize some activity (either a culminating finale or a single experience) on Wednesday, October 21st so that all Lasallians around the world will be united in prayer/study/action for peace.
We encourage you to forward to us any relevant resources and materials related to the theme of ‘Peace’ you might have and which could be useful to other groups in preparation for this event. It would be greatly appreciated if you could forward us the contact details of Lasallians in your District who would be interested and willing to participate in or coordinate such an activity within their local educational center or apostolate.
The initiatives in the different Districts and Regions could take the form of, but are not limited to, the following:
• Voluntary work experiences both within and outside your own district
• Commitment to live a simpler, less consumeristic life-style
• Assembly activities in schools
• Prayer services
• Workshops / Campaigns / Art Exhibitions
• Peaceful marches
• Sending of letters to local authorities calling for Peace in specific areas of conflict
• Intercultural or Inter-religious activities
• Others
For further updates and correspondence regarding this initiative or any other ICYL project, kindly contact us at icyl@lasalle.org.
Yours sincerely,
Br. Charles Kitson, fsc
International Secretary for Lasallian Family and Assoication
Joseph Gilson.
International Coordinator for Young Lasallians
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