i. Launching at School Assembly :
Prayers of Various Faiths led by members of PLC
Launching of LDOPP 2010 by Principal of SMK St.Paul, Madam Yap See Moi, followed by Message of Peace on the Peace Wall.
Launching ended with Universal Prayer.
Abel Arwin presenting his opening speech.
Mdm Yap See Moi launching LDOPP SPI 2010.
ii. LDOPP ‘Colourblind’ Evening :
Slide Show entitled ‘Colour Blind’ and Music Sing Along
Movie Screening : The Power of 10 Cents
Interfaith Prayers and music, followed by the lighting of candles for peace.
‘Celebrate Diversity’ Game

Some of the many guests who attended the main event on Saturday night.
Some of the guests lighting up the STAR FOR PEACE.
The game called Celebrate Diversity being carried out.
The guests with Mdm Ng for a group photo.
The Peace Wall was set up at the centre of the stage at the Assembly Ground for the students and teachers to put up their messages of peace. The response was overwhelming and the wall filled up with messages of peace within two days.
Mdm Yap placing her peace message onto the peace wall.
An exhibition of articles, stories and pictures in conjunction with LDOPP was put on display a along the walkway outside the staffroom. This informative display was able to give genera information to Paulians on the significance of LDOPP, and was a focal point during the 3-day programme.
The exhibiton that was held for students to read and learn about LDOPP.
Another view of the exhibition.
Some of the students at the exhibition.
The Organising Committee of LDOPP 2010 was happy to note the encouraging response to the programmes and activities held this year. Especially motivating and much appreciated was the response to the LDOPP ‘Colourblind‘ Evening which saw an attendance of over 50 members, teachers and guests. This was despite the fact that the event was held at night.
The Organising Committee worked well together to ensure that the programmes and activities planned were carried out successfully. The hard work and cooperation is much appreciated.
We would like to record our appreciation to the La Salle Centre, Ipoh for supplying us with the LDOPP Kit to help us to carry out this programme successfully.
Our sincere thanks to the Principal, Madam Yap See Moi for her support and encouragement, our teacher-advisor Madam Ng Siew Pin for her guidance, and to all Paulians for their support in ensuring the success of LDOPP 2010.
Some of the committee members with Mdm Ng.
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